Samstag, 15. Oktober 2011

JUnit > 4.10 Rules

It's been a long time ago that I last wrote about JUnit. A number of improvements and releases have been made. There have been lot improvements around the topic JUnit rules added. Today I had little bit free time to look into this new JUnit features.

Class Rules
Now there are also class rules in JUnit. A class rule extends the idea of test method-level rules and can be used to add logic, which should be invoked for or after all test methods. A simple use-case could be, when you need a HTTP server in the test, you could have a class rule to start and stop the server. Here a simple code snippet that starts and stops a HTTP server.

import org.junit.ClassRule;
import org.junit.Test;
public class ServerTest {
public static ServerRule serverRule = new ServerRule();
public void invokeServletWithRequestOne()
public void invokeServletWithRequestTwo()
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Test Sequence
  1. Start HTTP Server
  2. Run Test : invokeServletWithRequestOne()
  3. Run Test : invokeServletWithRequestTwo()
  4. Stop HTTP Server

Composition of JUnit Rules with RuleChain Feature
In JUnit 4.10 now you can order rules via a rule chain. This is really nice to reuse rules and combine them. Here a simple RuleChain code snippet.

import org.junit.Rule;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.junit.rules.RuleChain;
import org.junit.rules.TestRule;
public class ServletTest {
// Starts and Stops the Jetty HTTP Server
ServerRule startServerRule = new ServerRule();
// Creates a SUT servlet instance add it
// and remove it from the Jetty Server.
ServletRule servletRule = new ServletRule(startServerRule.server);
public TestRule chain = RuleChain
public void invokeServletWithRequestOne()
public void invokeServletWithRequestTwo()

Test Sequence
  1. Start new Jetty Server (rule = ServerRule)
  2. Create new Servlet Instance and add it to the Server (rule = ServletRule)
  3. Run Test : invokeServletWithRequestOne()
  4. Remove Servlet from Server (rule = ServletRule)
  5. Stop Jetty Server (rule = ServerRule)
  6. Start new Jetty Server (rule = ServerRule)
  7. Create new Servlet Instance and add it to the Server (rule = ServletRule)
  8. Run Test : invokeServletWithRequestTwo()
  9. Remove Servlet from Server (rule = ServletRule)
  10. Stop Jetty Server (rule = ServerRule)

Interface MethodRule is deprecated
The type MethodRule is now deprecated because the name makes no sense anymore because now we have class and method-level rules. A rule now should be of the type TestRule.

Thanks at David Saff and Kent Beck for the work on JUnit and the cool rule features we have now in JUnit.
