And here a very nice SE Radio episode about software craftsmanship with Bob Martin.
Mittwoch, 23. Dezember 2009
Mittwoch, 2. Dezember 2009
JUnit 4.8 is released
JUnit News
and here a the release notes
and here a the release notes
Example JUnit Test With Test Steps
Some times in a tests we want to have separate test steps that means to ensure the run of more then one statement e.g. assert statements.
Here a simple JUnit test, this tests show how such tests steps can look in a JUnit 4.X tests:
And here the test result:
And here the code of the Steps class:
Here a simple JUnit test, this tests show how such tests steps can look in a JUnit 4.X tests:
public class StackTest { Stackstack; @Before public void createStack() { stack = new Stack (); } @Test public void push() { new Steps() { @Step public void setupPushElementsInStack() { stack.push("Element One"); stack.push("Element Three"); stack.push("Element X"); } @Step public void verifyStackSizeIsThree() { assertEquals(2, stack.size()); } @Step public void verifyStackElementOne() { assertElementIs(0, "Element One"); } @Step public void verifyStackElementTwo() { assertElementIs(1, "XY"); } }; } private void assertElementIs(int position, String expected) { String element = stack.get(position); assertEquals(expected, element); } }
And here the test result:
And here the code of the Steps class:
public class Steps { private ListtestStepFailures = new ArrayList (); { run(); } public final void run() { Method[] methods = getClass().getMethods(); for (Method method : methods) { try { Step step = method.getAnnotation(Step.class); if(step != null){ method.invoke(this); } } catch (Exception e) { TestFailure failure = new TestFailure(); failure.method = method; failure.exception = e; testStepFailures.add(failure); } } if(testStepFailures.size() > 0){ throw new TestStepsFailureException(testStepFailures); } } }
Montag, 30. November 2009
Sonntag, 29. November 2009
Create a EMF Model Instance with JAVA internal DSL
Sometimes a Java internal DSL is engough for creating a model instance (ok Eclipse xText is a cool tool :-)) a good example for Java DSL is the JMock DSL for creating mock objects. Here in my Blog I will show a small example for a Java internal DSL to get a EMF model instance. Here is the EMF ECore model (meta model) for my running example:
A small example model to describe components of an application and which services this components provides, only example stuff not a good model anyway.
Here a model instance with plain EMF Java code:
And here the same model instance created with a Java internal DSL (Gof Builder Pattern):
In one of my next posts I will show the results of a Eclipse xText generated text DSL for the example model.
A small example model to describe components of an application and which services this components provides, only example stuff not a good model anyway.
Here a model instance with plain EMF Java code:
ComponentFactory factory = ComponentFactory.eINSTANCE; Interface orderServiceInterface = factory.createInterface(); orderServiceInterface.setName("dsl.OrderService"); Port orderServicePort = factory.createPort(); orderServicePort.setProvides(orderServiceInterface); Component order = factory.createComponent(); order.setName("order"); order.getPorts().add(orderServicePort); Interface loggerServiceInterface = factory.createInterface(); loggerServiceInterface.setName("dsl.LoggerService"); Port loggerServicePort = factory.createPort(); loggerServicePort.setProvides(loggerServiceInterface); Component logger = factory.createComponent(); logger.setName("logger"); logger.getPorts().add(loggerServicePort); Application shop = factory.createApplication(); shop.setName("shop"); shop.getComponents().add(order); shop.getComponents().add(logger);
And here the same model instance created with a Java internal DSL (Gof Builder Pattern):
Application shop = ApplicationBuilder.create("shop", new Components() {{ component("order", new Ports() {{ provides( OrderService.class ); }}); component("logger", new Ports() {{ provides( LoggerService.class ); }}); }});
In one of my next posts I will show the results of a Eclipse xText generated text DSL for the example model.
Dienstag, 24. November 2009
yUML - cool UML tool
yUML is a web based small UML tool and it makes a lot of fun to create diagrams with it, here my first use case example diagram made with yUML
No real use cases only a diagram for test yUML...
No real use cases only a diagram for test yUML...
Sonntag, 22. November 2009
JUnit Rule for jMock instead of the JMock Runner
In JUnit 4.7 there is new feature called "Rules" see my previous posts...
The jMock framework comes with a JUnit 4.X runner for verifying the mock object states after each test run. Now with rules all the stuff of the runner can be done in one rule. I have implemented an example rule based on the JMock runner (see also jMock JIRA, here is the code of my example implementation:
Example Test which use the rule:
The jMock framework comes with a JUnit 4.X runner for verifying the mock object states after each test run. Now with rules all the stuff of the runner can be done in one rule. I have implemented an example rule based on the JMock runner (see also jMock JIRA, here is the code of my example implementation:
import org.jmock.Mockery; import org.jmock.lib.AssertionErrorTranslator; import org.junit.Test; import org.junit.rules.MethodRule; import org.junit.runners.model.FrameworkMethod; import org.junit.runners.model.Statement; public class JUnitRuleMockery extends Mockery implements MethodRule { public JUnitRuleMockery() { setExpectationErrorTranslator(AssertionErrorTranslator.INSTANCE); } public Statement apply(final Statement base, final FrameworkMethod method, Object target) { return new Statement() { @Override public void evaluate() throws Throwable { try { base.evaluate(); } catch(Throwable exp) { if(!isExceptionExpectedByTestMethod(exp, method)) { throw exp; } } assertIsSatisfied(); } }; } protected boolean isExceptionExpectedByTestMethod(Throwable exp, FrameworkMethod method) { Test test = method.getAnnotation(Test.class); return test.expected().equals(exp.getClass()); } }
Example Test which use the rule:
import org.eclipse.osgi.framework.console.CommandInterpreter; import org.jmock.Expectations; import org.jmock.Mockery; import org.jmock.integration.junit4.JUnit4Mockery; import org.jmock.lib.legacy.ClassImposteriser; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.Rule; import org.junit.Test;
// No jMock specific Runner needed only the default JUnit runner public class FrameworkCommandProviderTest {
@Rule public JUnitRuleMockery context = new JUnitRuleMockery() {{ setImposteriser(ClassImposteriser.INSTANCE); }}; InternalSystemBundle mockInternalSystemBundle; Framework mockFramework; CommandInterpreter mockCommandInterpreter; FrameworkCommandProvider mockFrameworkCommandProvider; FrameworkCommandProvider frameworkCommandProvider; @Before public void setUp(){ // Create mock object for system bundle mockInternalSystemBundle = context.mock(InternalSystemBundle.class); // Mocking the getContext Method, returns always null context.checking(new Expectations() {{ allowing (mockInternalSystemBundle).getContext(); will(returnValue(null)); }}); // Create mock object for framework mockFramework = context.mock(Framework.class); // Set the mock object system bundle into the framework mock mockFramework.systemBundle = mockInternalSystemBundle; // Create mock object for command interpreter mockCommandInterpreter = context.mock(CommandInterpreter.class); // Create mock object for the SUT class, this mock will be used to mock methods in the SUT mockFrameworkCommandProvider = context.mock(FrameworkCommandProvider.class); // Create the SUT object of type FrameworkCommandProvider frameworkCommandProvider = new FrameworkCommandProvider(mockFramework) { /** * Mock the SUT Method getBundleFromToken(...) * All method calls will delegate to a mock * of the same type then the SUT object */ @Override protected AbstractBundle getBundleFromToken(CommandInterpreter intp, String token, boolean error) { // delegate the call to a mock object. return mockFrameworkCommandProvider.getBundleFromToken(intp, token, error); } }; } @Test(expected=RuntimeException.class) public void _bundle_OneArgumentsAndBundleNotFoundByToken() throws Exception { final String firstToken = "myBundleName[1.0.0]"; // Setup mock context context.checking(new Expectations() {{ // one argument one (mockCommandInterpreter).nextArgument(); will(returnValue(firstToken)); // next calles return null allowing (mockCommandInterpreter).nextArgument(); will(returnValue(null)); // getBundleFromToken returns null one (mockFrameworkCommandProvider).getBundleFromToken(mockCommandInterpreter, firstToken, true); will(returnValue(null)); }}); // invoke the _bundle() method frameworkCommandProvider._bundle(mockCommandInterpreter); throw new RuntimeException(); } }
xUnit test implementation pattern for mocking methods in a SUT object
Simple test implementation pattern for mock a method in the SUT object. The pattern is interesting when you would refactor a method in legacy system. Before you can start with the refactoring stuff you must write a test for the method with a high coverage (Refactoring details see Martin Fowlers great book "Refactoring - Improving the Design of Existing Code").
The idea is to test only the legacy method you would like to refactor (to get quick a high coverage), there for we want mock all method calls which will be invoked from this method. Normal mocking frameworks like EasyMock or JMock for Java can create mock objects for interfaces and classes. This pattern shows how this tools can be used for mock an internal method in the SUT object.
The idea, overwrite all method which should be mocked in the SUT object and delegate the calls to a mock object of the same type as the SUT object.
Example setup code with JMock as mocking framework:
The code with a example test which expected a mock method call:
The idea is to test only the legacy method you would like to refactor (to get quick a high coverage), there for we want mock all method calls which will be invoked from this method. Normal mocking frameworks like EasyMock or JMock for Java can create mock objects for interfaces and classes. This pattern shows how this tools can be used for mock an internal method in the SUT object.
The idea, overwrite all method which should be mocked in the SUT object and delegate the calls to a mock object of the same type as the SUT object.
Example setup code with JMock as mocking framework:
@Before public void setUp(){ ... // Create mock object for the SUT class, this mock will be used to mock methods in the SUT mockFrameworkCommandProvider = context.mock(FrameworkCommandProvider.class); // Create the SUT object of type FrameworkCommandProvider frameworkCommandProvider = new FrameworkCommandProvider(mockFramework) { /** * Mock the SUT Method getBundleFromToken(...) * All method calls will delegate to a mock * of the same type then the SUT object */ @Override protected AbstractBundle getBundleFromToken(CommandInterpreter intp, String token, boolean error) { // delegate the call to a mock object. return mockFrameworkCommandProvider.getBundleFromToken(intp, token, error); } }; } ...
The code with a example test which expected a mock method call:
@Test public void _bundle_OneArgumentsAndBundleNotFoundByToken() throws Exception { final String firstToken = "myBundleName[1.0.0]"; // Setup mock context context.checking(new Expectations() {{ // one argument one (mockCommandInterpreter).nextArgument(); will(returnValue(firstToken)); // next calles return null allowing (mockCommandInterpreter).nextArgument(); will(returnValue(null)); // getBundleFromToken returns null one (mockFrameworkCommandProvider).getBundleFromToken(mockCommandInterpreter, firstToken, true); will(returnValue(null)); }}); // invoke the _bundle() method frameworkCommandProvider._bundle(mockCommandInterpreter); } ...
- Much code for the test setup to overwrite all the methods which should be mocked in the SUT object
- Only protected, package and public methods can be mocked by this approach
- Private methods can't be mock with this pattern
- In the test code it's not clear which SUT methods are mocked and which not
Here the whole example test code:
package org.eclipse.osgi.framework.internal.core; import static org.junit.Assert.*; import org.eclipse.osgi.framework.console.CommandInterpreter; import org.jmock.Expectations; import org.jmock.Mockery; import org.jmock.integration.junit4.JMock; import org.jmock.integration.junit4.JUnit4Mockery; import org.jmock.lib.legacy.ClassImposteriser; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.Test; import org.junit.runner.RunWith; @RunWith(JMock.class) public class FrameworkCommandProviderTest { // Create mock context and activate mocking for java classes. Mockery context = new JUnit4Mockery() {{ setImposteriser(ClassImposteriser.INSTANCE); }}; InternalSystemBundle mockInternalSystemBundle; Framework mockFramework; CommandInterpreter mockCommandInterpreter; FrameworkCommandProvider mockFrameworkCommandProvider; FrameworkCommandProvider frameworkCommandProvider; @Before public void setUp(){ // Create mock object for system bundle mockInternalSystemBundle = context.mock(InternalSystemBundle.class); // Mocking the getContext Method, returns always null context.checking(new Expectations() {{ allowing (mockInternalSystemBundle).getContext(); will(returnValue(null)); }}); // Create mock object for framework mockFramework = context.mock(Framework.class); // Set the mock object system bundle into the framework mock mockFramework.systemBundle = mockInternalSystemBundle; // Create mock object for command interpreter mockCommandInterpreter = context.mock(CommandInterpreter.class); // Create mock object for the SUT class, this mock will be used to mock methods in the SUT mockFrameworkCommandProvider = context.mock(FrameworkCommandProvider.class); // Create the SUT object of type FrameworkCommandProvider frameworkCommandProvider = new FrameworkCommandProvider(mockFramework) { /** * Mock the SUT Method getBundleFromToken(...) * All method calls will delegate to a mock * of the same type then the SUT object */ @Override protected AbstractBundle getBundleFromToken(CommandInterpreter intp, String token, boolean error) { // delegate the call to a mock object. return mockFrameworkCommandProvider.getBundleFromToken(intp, token, error); } }; } @Test public void _bundle_OneArgumentsAndBundleNotFoundByToken() throws Exception { final String firstToken = "myBundleName[1.0.0]"; // Setup mock context context.checking(new Expectations() {{ // one argument one (mockCommandInterpreter).nextArgument(); will(returnValue(firstToken)); // next calles return null allowing (mockCommandInterpreter).nextArgument(); will(returnValue(null)); // getBundleFromToken returns null one (mockFrameworkCommandProvider).getBundleFromToken(mockCommandInterpreter, firstToken, true); will(returnValue(null)); }}); // invoke the _bundle() method frameworkCommandProvider._bundle(mockCommandInterpreter); } }
Run the Example Test:
To run the test you need the equinox osgi implementation as SUT, you can get the equinox source from the eclipse CVS ("").
Montag, 9. November 2009
EMF - Create a Dynamic Model Instance
For developing EMF models the option "Create Dynamic Instance" can be very usefull. When you have a EMF meta model and you want to create a first test instance of the meta model the option "Create Dynamic Instance"can be used see the screenshot...

For create Dynamic Instance do a right click on the RootObject of your model that you would want to instantiate. The screen shot bellow shows the editor for editing a EMF based model dynamic in eclipse as XMI.

More details on dynamic instantiation in EMF:

For create Dynamic Instance do a right click on the RootObject of your model that you would want to instantiate. The screen shot bellow shows the editor for editing a EMF based model dynamic in eclipse as XMI.

More details on dynamic instantiation in EMF:
Sonntag, 1. November 2009
Eclipse Tipp - Java Type Labels on Java Files
Dienstag, 20. Oktober 2009
Link - comparison of the GIT and SVN commands
Nice page with a comparison of the GIT and SVN commands. Good starting point for SVN users which switch to GIT.
Sonntag, 18. Oktober 2009
PAX cool OSGi Utils
PAX provides a set of cool tools for building OSGi based applications here the Link to the overview page of the PAX projects:
Maven Archetype Overview
Here a nice overview of maven archetypes:
Good bye
Good bye
Dienstag, 13. Oktober 2009
JUnitExt Prerequisite as JUnit 4.7 Rule
The JUnit 4 Extensions project provides a annotation for specify precondition for a test. For example you have a database integration test, it makes no sense to run this test when the database is down. Therefor you can use the JUnit 4 Extension annotation @Prerequisite. But the disadvantage is, you must use a JUnit 4 Extension specific JUnit test runner @RunWith(AnnotationRunner.class). The Problem with the runner is when you must use a other runner for example the spring DI test runner in the test the approach did not work well.
But a feature like the @Prerequisite annotation of JUnit 4 Extensions project is very nice to have. In JUnit 4.7 there for the JUnit rules comes in mind, here is a small code example how a rule solution for the @Prerequisite annotation can look like.
Here the test with the @Prerequisite annotation and without specific test runner:
The test result will be:
And here a very basic rule implementation for the test:
Ok the implementation of the rule is very basic there is no good error handling for example ...
Feel free for comments ...
But a feature like the @Prerequisite annotation of JUnit 4 Extensions project is very nice to have. In JUnit 4.7 there for the JUnit rules comes in mind, here is a small code example how a rule solution for the @Prerequisite annotation can look like.
Here the test with the @Prerequisite annotation and without specific test runner:
public class DatabaseTest {
public PrerequisiteRule rule = new PrerequisiteRule();
public void testFindAllUsers() throws Exception {
// Database test stuff here
public void testGetDataSource() throws Exception {
// No Database test stuff here
public boolean databaseIsAvailable(){
return false;
The test result will be:
This test without errors can look like this one:
public class DatabaseTest {
public PrerequisiteRule rule = new PrerequisiteRule();
public void testFindAllUsers() throws Exception {
// Database test stuff here
public void testGetDataSource() throws Exception {
// No Database test stuff here
public boolean databaseIsAvailable(){
return true;
And here a very basic rule implementation for the test:
public class PrerequisiteRule implements MethodRule{
public Statement apply(final Statement base, final FrameworkMethod method, final Object target) {
return new Statement() {
public void evaluate() throws Throwable {
Prerequisite annotation = method.getMethod().getAnnotation(Prerequisite.class);
if(annotation != null){
String requiresMethodname = annotation.requires();
Method requiresMethod = target.getClass().getMethod(requiresMethodname);
Boolean result = (Boolean) requiresMethod.invoke(target);
fail("Test requires "+requiresMethodname);
Ok the implementation of the rule is very basic there is no good error handling for example ...
Feel free for comments ...
Mittwoch, 30. September 2009
JUnit 4.7 Rule for cleanup EasyMock object after test
I try the JUnit 4.7 rule feature and I wrote a super small ExternalResource class for easymock cleanup (reset) here is the example code that makes mocking setup easier:
import static org.easymock.EasyMock.*; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import org.junit.rules.ExternalResource; /** * Mock resource class for cleanup mock objects after each test run. */ public class MockResource extends ExternalResource { private List
/** * Example test which use the rule for cleanup the mocks. */ public class ObserverTest { @Rule public MockResource mockResources = new MockResource(); Observer mockObserver = mockResources.createMockObject(Observer.class); @Test public void testObserver() throws Exception { Car subject = new Car(); subject.register(mockObserver); mockObserver.refresh(subject); replay(mockObserver); subject.setName("Porsche"); verify(mockObserver); } }With the mock resource rule no tearDown Method will be need the reset is be done by the rule. Come to think of it, there will be sure more mocking work which can be done by a JUnit rule. So I think the rule feature is very nice and makes JUnit tests better to read ...
Dienstag, 29. September 2009
Cool JUnit 4.7 Stuff : JUnit and Files
Here a very nice example how to work with temporary files in JUnit 4.7 here
Montag, 28. September 2009
JPA with Hibernate Criteria API
I didn't know that with JPA Vendor Hibernate, the Criteria API of Hibernate can be used. That can be done by getting the Hibernate Session from the JPA Entity Manager.
Here a example code:
Ok the question is would you like to have a dependency to Hibernate in your source code when you would use JPA, I think you wold not like to have, but technical it works...
Nicer would be a Criteria API that depends only on JPA and is not JPA vendor specific. For JPA 1 I didn't know a project that provides such a Criteria API that works fine, but in JPA 2 I think the Crititeria API would be part of the standard, so I think thats a good news.
Another example:
Here a example code:
Session session = (Session) entityManager.getDelegate();
Criteria hibernateCriteria = session.createCriteria(Position.class);
// List with all positions
List list = hibernateCriteria.list();
Ok the question is would you like to have a dependency to Hibernate in your source code when you would use JPA, I think you wold not like to have, but technical it works...
Nicer would be a Criteria API that depends only on JPA and is not JPA vendor specific. For JPA 1 I didn't know a project that provides such a Criteria API that works fine, but in JPA 2 I think the Crititeria API would be part of the standard, so I think thats a good news.
Another example:
// Implementation with Hibernate Criteria
public List getPositionList() {
Session session = (Session) entityManager.getDelegate();
Criteria hibernateCriteria = session.createCriteria(Position.class);
return hibernateCriteria.list();
// Implementation with plain JPA
public List getPositionList() {
Query query = entityManager.createQuery("SELECT p FROM Position p ORDER BY p.createTime DESC");
return query.getResultList();
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