Donnerstag, 16. Juni 2011

Top 10 Software Engineering Books – Must Read

Today I gave a lighting talk at SEITENBAU, about my favorite top ten software engineering books. Here my top ten list of books, which every developer should read:

#1 - Andrew Hunt, David Thomas - The Pragmatic Programmer - From Journeyman to Master

#2 - Erich Gamma, Richard Helm, Ralph E. Johnson, John Vlissides - Design Patterns

#3 - Martin Fowler - Refactoring -Improving the Design of Existing Code

#4 - Eric Evans - Domain Driven Design

#5 - Kent Beck - Test Driven Development by Example

#6 - Alistair Cockburn - Writing Effective Use Cases

#7 - Scott Berkun - The Art of Project Management

#8 - Martin Fowler - Patterns of Enterprise Application Architecture

#9 - Joshua Bloch - Effective Java

#10 - Gerard Meszaros - xUnit Test Patterns

I think there are more books you should read as a professional developer, but this list is at the moment my top ten list of books I think should have read.

What are your favorite software engineering books? Send me comments or write me via Twitter.


Sonntag, 5. Juni 2011

Sikuli – GUI Test Automation with Java Robot API and Images

The Sikuli project provides a simple tool for automate and test graphical user interfaces (GUI) using images (screenshots). The idea is to find an element on the screen by a screenshot and not by XPath or ID. The tool can be used for all GUIs also web applications. It’s a nice idea below you can see a simple example.

The SIKULI project is based on the Java VM and also provides an API for writing the automation in Java here a JUnit sample test.

For real world web testing it is not the right tool I think, because it depends on the style of the elements. When the button style changed you need a new screenshot of the button. But it is a nice tool for simple automation tasks. Have also a look at screen casts on the project homepage.

- Project Home -
- How to use Sikuli Script in your JAVA programs -

Convert a simple CSV File with Groovy, Java, Scala, awk, Ruby, Python, PHP or Bash?

Change Log:
  • 05.06.2011 1:30 pm - Initial created Post with  Groovy, Java, Scala, awk, Ruby, Python Implementation
  • 05.06.2011 4:00 pm - Add PHP implementation and update voting (now you can vote for PHP).
  • 06.06.2011 4:00 pm - Add Bash implementation and update voting (now you can also vote for Bash)

Which is the best programming language for converting a simple CSV into another format?

First I blogged three Java VM based solutions written in Groovy, Java and Scala to convert a simple CSV file into another format. Rainer sends me the Java based solution, yesterday Axel Knauf sends an awk based solution, Niko sends Ruby based solution, Hendrik sends a Python based solution, Sebastian sends me a PHP implementation and Julien sends a Bash version. Now there are a Groovy, Java, Scala, awk, Ruby, Python, PHP and Bash implementation.

Now here again a complete overview of the different implementations:

The Groovy Implementation:

The Java Implementation:

The Scala Implementation:

Here the shell command and awk script:

The pure Ruby Implementation:

The Python Implementation:

The pure PHP Implementation:

The Bash Implementation:

I'm curious whether there are other implementation proposals (Clojure, Perl, PHP, …), if you have one you could send me the script via Twitter or leave a comment here…

I am also curious which implementation Groovy, Java, Scala, awk or Ruby you like and why? I have create voting here:

Thanks Rainer, Axel Knauf, Niko Dittmann, Hendrik Heimbuerger S.Barthenheier and Julien Guitton for the Java, awk, Ruby Python, PHP and Bash implementation.


Convert a CSV File with awk

Yesterday I post three Java VM based solutions written in Groovy, Java and Scala to convert a simple CSV file into another format. Today kopfkind sends me via Twitter a awk based solution.

Here the shell command and awk script to convert the CSV file:

Thanks a lot @kopfkind for this simple solution. I'm curious whether there are other implementation proposals (Python, Clojure, Perl, Bash, PHP, …), if you have one you could send me the solution via Twitter or leave a comment here.

I am also curious which implementation Groovy, Java, Scala or awk you like and why?

See also: Convert a CSV File in Groovy, Java or Scala?

Samstag, 4. Juni 2011

Convert a CSV File in Groovy, Java or Scala?

Last week I have simple task I must convert a simple CSV file into another CSV format. My first solution was a simple Groovy script. Then inforw sends me a Java solution, to show me that with Java it is no much more code then the Groovy implementation is. Today I wrote just for fun a solution in Scala, to see how the code looks in Scala. My favorite of the three implementations is at the moment the Groovy one. But I think the Scala implementation has the best readability. Below you see the three implementations.

I'm curious what you like, feel free for comments? And I would be glad if someone contributes even further implementation in Clojure, Python, Perl,… or even a better Scala, Java or Groovy implementation.

The Groovy Implementation:

The Java Implementation:

The Scala Implementation:

Thanks @inforw for the discussion and the Java implementation.

Freitag, 3. Juni 2011

Test Logging via JUnit Rule

In most cases it is not necessary to test logging, but in some situations you wont to check in a JUnit test that a log statement will be written, e.g in special error cases. When you use logback as logging framework the test can setup a ListAppender for a Logger and can implement a assert method which checks that the expected log statement is in the ListAppender list. But then the test is logback specific and has dependency on logback! When you use this approache in many JUnit test classes the test source has a hard dependency on logback and when you wont to change the logging framework all tests must also be changed. To remove this hard dependency you can use a JUnit rule, which capsulate the logback framework from the test source. The example here shows how a test and such a JUnit rule can look like.

Here the sample test for verify logging:

And here the logback specific rule:

Donnerstag, 2. Juni 2011

Logging in JUnit Tests

With a JUnit 4.7 rules it is easy to add logging support in JUnit tests. The example test bellow shows how to add simple logging for each test method and the result of the test.

For more details about logging in JUnit tests see the blog post "JUnit 4 Test Logging Tips using SLF4J".