Dienstag, 20. Oktober 2009

Dienstag, 13. Oktober 2009

JUnitExt Prerequisite as JUnit 4.7 Rule

The JUnit 4 Extensions project provides a annotation for specify precondition for a test. For example you have a database integration test, it makes no sense to run this test when the database is down. Therefor you can use the JUnit 4 Extension annotation @Prerequisite. But the disadvantage is, you must use a JUnit 4 Extension specific JUnit test runner @RunWith(AnnotationRunner.class). The Problem with the runner is when you must use a other runner for example the spring DI test runner in the test the approach did not work well.

But a feature like the @Prerequisite annotation of JUnit 4 Extensions project is very nice to have. In JUnit 4.7 there for the JUnit rules comes in mind, here is a small code example how a rule solution for the @Prerequisite annotation can look like.

Here the test with the @Prerequisite annotation and without specific test runner:

public class DatabaseTest {

public PrerequisiteRule rule = new PrerequisiteRule();

public void testFindAllUsers() throws Exception {
// Database test stuff here

public void testGetDataSource() throws Exception {
// No Database test stuff here

public boolean databaseIsAvailable(){
return false;


The test result will be:

This test without errors can look like this one:

public class DatabaseTest {

public PrerequisiteRule rule = new PrerequisiteRule();

public void testFindAllUsers() throws Exception {
// Database test stuff here

public void testGetDataSource() throws Exception {
// No Database test stuff here

public boolean databaseIsAvailable(){
return true;


And here a very basic rule implementation for the test:

public class PrerequisiteRule implements MethodRule{

public Statement apply(final Statement base, final FrameworkMethod method, final Object target) {
return new Statement() {
public void evaluate() throws Throwable {
Prerequisite annotation = method.getMethod().getAnnotation(Prerequisite.class);
if(annotation != null){
String requiresMethodname = annotation.requires();
Method requiresMethod = target.getClass().getMethod(requiresMethodname);
Boolean result = (Boolean) requiresMethod.invoke(target);
fail("Test requires "+requiresMethodname);


Ok the implementation of the rule is very basic there is no good error handling for example ...

Feel free for comments ...

- http://junitext.sourceforge.net/
- http://www.junit.org/